Monday 6 April 2015

"People come and go -  they'll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favourite book...." 

This is one of my favourite quotes by an American Author Nicholas Sparks. 

It inspired today's blog post. People truly come and go and it's a fact of life that you have to accept and learn to deal with. Many people have left my life. It started last year and has carried on into the new year although I guess it's no longer new since it's now April. I thought to myself why are all these people leaving me? There were no arguments or dramatic outbursts, with some it was so natural with others it happened in stages, with others it was immediate. I had to review myself because I was the common denominator in all these friendships.... I concluded that I was the problem, I wasn't a good friend and I wasn't fun enough or helpful enough get the picture.
But in March it dawned on me; I'm not the problem. Life has seasons and people come and go in these seasons. So live life, enjoy life experience every bit of it until your last breath.

I hope you can relate and that this video helps ^.^